"Have no fear and do not steal, never steal without fear." The fundamental vision of the Anticorruption Endowment is a state of affairs in which society would perceive corruption as a crime and treat corrupt elements accordingly. In…
27. února 2012 | Monday´s Comment

Petr Skočdopole - Zrušit, nebo vyškrtnout?

Well, Messrs. Šachta & Partners are said to want to cancel us. An exciting idea, indeed.  I can understand that the Anticorruption Endowment has thrown a spanner in their works. Very creative and sophisticated works: maybe right now they are busy registering a company on behalf of a client, designed to buy stuff from another company. This other company is to be sold to a third company, which is in fact owned by a fourth firm, in which the client has a majority share. Of course this fourth company will sent the third firm to liquidation, while the fourth firm will be sold to the first. A lot of money is involved and lawyers need peace so as to reap the rest.

Now, however, some “self-styled elements” are rapping them over their fingers are saying in public that what the lawyers are doing is strange, unethical and corrupt. Lawyers don’t take “strange” for unethical, but corrupt? Well, prove it! Or else!!! We will have you abolished.

We are also quite busy in the Endowment, but I found time to study the legislation concerning the bar, and I like one specific passage about deletion from the list of attorneys at law. And I had this bright idea:  What if we and Šachta & Partners strike a nice little bet? Will you close us down before we delete you?